Max Liboiron
Liboiron produces art that a rises from her exper iences in northern
Canada on a working acreage, in her ear ly studies of biology,
and in her more recent studies in cultura l studies. She holds
an MFA and cert ific ate of Cultural Studies from the State University
of New York at Stony Brook, and a BFA with Dist inction from Mount
Al lison University in Sackvil le, New Brunswick. Her work has
been shown in Canada, Ireland, and New York, including the SoHo
Photo Gallery, The Internationa l Print Center New York, and in
v arious univers ity art ga lleries around the country. The work
encompa sses instal lation, sculpture, printmak ing, animat ion,
digita l and pinhole photog raphy, and drawing. Liboiron cur rent
ly teaches drawing, animation, and digita l imaging at SUNY Stony
Brook and Suf folk Community College, NY.
Statement - Recent Work:
get s to “count” as nature is part of a larger narrative within
Western culture. I use several media to move around the hybridity
between nature and culture and the narra tives that strive to
keep them apart. I explore many of these themes within the visua
l trope of the natura l history diorama. My recent work depict
s the violence, collaboration, confusion, limina lity, and int
imacy tha t is at sta ke when enacted hybridity between nature
and culture- not the mainst ream, sanit ized, hal f-and-ha lf
ver sion, but the messy hybridit y with no clea r point of origin.
These alternative narrat ives pos it nature as a loc al place
made of humans, technology, anima ls, socia l expect ations, economies,
and the relat ionships between them.
Max Liboiron <<