Christopher Hynes

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My assemblages are a natural outgrowth of the altars of junk I used to
build everywhere. All my life I’ve collected what I like to call lost
objects. In the mid-80s when I quit playing music professionally, I
started making my altars more structured and contained by putting
objects in boxes.
I am influenced by the work of Joseph Cornell, Man Ray and his
collages, and of course Rauschenberg and the whole found-object
movement are always there somewhere in the background.
In each of my pieces there is a juxtaposition of objects that are
incongruous but that work together around a central object to make a
statement that is sometimes serious, sometimes whimsical, sometimes
humorous, and always reflective of my somewhat offbeat vision. I like
to think of the pieces as visual poems.
The boxes I use are often drawers from construction and remodeling job
sites, continuing the theme that runs throughout my work of using the
leftover materials from our throwaway culture. I also use organic
materials and man-made objects from all ages. Pretty much anything I
find is fair game.