Tobacco Victims' Museum Of Art (TVMOA) 烟草受害者艺术館
The TVMOA is the world's first museum of art dedicated to collecting artwork for the commemoration of tobacco victims and campaigning for a tobacco free world. 烟草受害者艺术馆是目前世界上唯一一个致力于收藏纪念烟草受害者的艺术品和推行无烟草世界活动的艺术馆.
Museum Collections 美术館收藏:
Since 2002 ARTi-Smoking has accumulated a significant collection of artwork through its projects aimed toward addressing the source of the widespread epidemic from cigarettes smoking and that is tobacco production. 从2002年 以来艺术抗煙草由進行的項目中收集了一批有关抗煙運动的收藏。
'-599’ gallery 画廊

I would have died 3,000,001 times in 1993 alone if I did not quit smoking

‘-599’ Weixin Campaign 微信抗烟草

'-600’ performance 行为

‘-6,000,001’ Beijing Memorial Wall 北京纪念墙

video "- 599 Weixin" exhibition opening 微信开展視频- 6分59秒

Quit Smoking – ‘-599’ Songzhuang 《戒烟——599》

Quit Smoking Participant – ‘-599’《戒烟——599》參与者

Teen Tobacco Summit 青少年烟草峰会

Quanyin – ARTi-Smoking 覌音抗烟草

digital 数码 3,000,001 - 2002

‘-6,000,001’ Virtual Memorial wall 纪念牆 (online 在线)

‘-599’ sculpture series 雕塑

‘-600’ sculpture series 雕塑

Rocky Railway High Gallery
On-going project 当前項目:
For about 15 years, one of ARTi-Smoking's artist members has been using portraits of himself to represent millions of tobacco victims in several “Memorial Wall” art installations. 在过去15年,艺术抗煙草的一个艺术家成员用了自己的肖像在数个“纪念墙”的装置艺术里面代表了数以百万的烟草受害者。
Currently ARTi-Smoking is establishing a platform for public to commemorate tobacco victims both online and offline. 目前艺术抗煙草正在建立一个提供给公众纪念烟草受害者的在网上和离线的平台。
Through this project it hopes to build a large database with the stories of tobacco victims to gradually replace the artist's self-portraits in the “Memorial Wall” – The aim of this is to generate substantial support to fight the problem of tobacco production. 透过这个项目,它希望建立一个大型数据库,收集烟草受害者的故事, 逐步取代艺术家在“纪念墙”上的自我肖像,目的是积累大量的支持, 抗衡烟草生产的问题。
Current exhibition当前展覧:

'-599’ art contributions by artists & public
Call for submissions 诚征作品:
"-599" 中文网頁