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-599 weixin (tweeter) campaign, 微信抗烟草

"发微信, 反烟草, 送路钉" - 北京798白盒子艺术馆 Beijing 798 Art District, White Box Art Center (08/01-201- 09/01-2015 )

请把"-599" 烟草添加剂资讯照片传到个人微信群, 凭纪录可领取一根写有一种香烟添加剂的铁路钉, 並签名和把该添加剂划掉。

Please weixin(tweet) photo with info about "-599" campaign to your friends network to receive a spike marked with 1 cigarette ingredient

+ sign and "wipe-out" corresponding ingredient on the display board.

List of 599 cigarette ingridents 烟草潻加剂清单



