Patrick Murphy

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Irish Artist, Patrick J
Murphy (aged 49), studied Art and Art History at the Belfast Institute of
Higher Education.
His early
work took the form of traditional landscape and portrait painting, which
he exhibited and sold widely,
finally finding his own unique artistic voice.
The new
millennium began with a major exhibition at the Agora Gallery on Broadway
in New York. Patrick is
showing at the Karen Taylor Contemporary Art Gallery, England, and the
ArtPic Gallery in Hollywood, California, U.S.A.
is often a very important component of artistic expression. Some artists
allow emotion to colour their work, while others purposefully imbue their
work with an unmistakable force of emotion.
artist Patrick J Murphy, on the other hand, paints emotion, pure and
simple. It is not the motivator, nor the energiser of subject ~ it is the
subject itself.
In his
contemporary works of art, Patrick J Murphy uses the medium of oil paint
to present to the viewer the quintessential moment of human affections,
passions and pains of our existence.
line, colour and juxtaposition of elements, Belfast artist Patrick J
Murphy is able to accomplish his simple yet profound goal; to evoke with
beauty, sensitivity and power, an honest and empathetic response to his
work, through a visual language that is comprehensible to all his viewers.