Pat Goltz BA

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Artist's Bio:
I have a bachelor's degree
in art. I also have a background in Montessori education as well as
taekwondo, which I think have influenced my art. Southwestern native art
and Japanese art are also an influence. I have been making digital
landscapes, fractals, and abstract digital art seriously for about eight
years. Primarily, I use the programs Ultrafractal, Xenodream, Apophysis,
Bryce, and Vue d'Esprit for my fractals and abstracts, and Terragen for my
digital landscapes. I have also been a serious nature and scenic
photographer over the same time period, concentrating on the southwestern
United States.
Artist’s statement:
For me, art is about beauty. I seek to walk in beauty. My perspective on
art is heavily colored by my Lutheran Christian faith. My art is more like
found objects, because usually I start with something I choose at random,
and then build and modify the image, layer upon layer, until I am pleased
with the result. This process is seamless and organic. When I do
photography, I work quickly and spontaneously, merging with my subject and
becoming my subject. My talent and my desire to do art are both a gift
from God. Soli Deo Gloria.