Ber Lazarus BFA

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The Ex-Libris
Series of artist books is a multi-layered work which explores the creation
of visual imagery in three
dimensional space at the boundary between text and visual vocabulary.
The original text has been removed and objects and images have been
inserted as installations.
The content is viewed through a Judas (viewer) inserted in the spine of
the book.
The result is
a series of complex narratives arising from the relationships of the
objects and images to
each other, to the textual space within which the work exists and to the
content of the original title
and text itself.
Issues of
visual versus textual, confinement and freedom, of solitude and community,
surveillance, privacy and
voyeurism, amongst others, can be found present. The viewer is
transported to a space of “intimate immensity” (Bachelard) within, yet
beyond text.
From an
original idea I work intuitively toward a final result which is arrived at
through an ongoing
dialogue between myself, the material at hand, the developing forms and
the emerging content.
As an artist I
am here, in part, to re-new and invigorate the visual content of our lives
– to quench our
aesthetic thirst.
©Ber Lazarus
Ber Lazarus is
a visual artist living in Montreal’s Mile End district. His scultptures
and installations have been shown in Canada, the United States and Europe.
He uses a variety of forms, media and scales to bring a unique sensibility
and originality to his art practice.
His current
series of work, « EX-LIBRIS », explores the boundary between text
and visual vocabulary through a series of installations housed inside
found books.
Recent solo
and group shows include: Maison de la Culture Mercier, Montreal (2006), Le
CEG, Sorel, QC, LUZ Gallery, Montreal (2005) and Propellor Centre for the
Arts. Toronto(2004).
He holds a BFA
degree from Concordia University and is a member of the Association of
Visual Artists of Quebec.
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