Reinhard Schleining
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Born 1968 in vienna
(austria) the artist currently lives and works in london (uk). coming
from a fine art background in computer art he used to work as a
designer/animator in the
creative industries for several years until finally proceeding his ten
year dormant writing
and drawing career.
Artist’s statement:
i’m essentially producing CODE with my work, carefully crafted to be
read and understood
by as many people as possible. before the code becomes visual i’d
usually write it down
first. sometimes the medium i choose is the comic. but i love and
indulge in the actual
freedom to freely float between both cornerstones of my work: WRITING &
in terms of subject matter it’s all about PEOPLE. following some deeply
ingrained dream
about freedom and love whilst at the same time also being determined to
cut down to the
core genetic ‘truth’ inside of ourselves i’m to a great deal looking at
the world through the
lens of humanistic psychology. i love to boundlessly dive into the
beauty of life and come up
with the trophies of what i see, the stories, the images, but at the
same time i’m also
extremely fascinated by the dark side of the reality we live in. the
workings of fate, the political aspects of relationships, the
pointlessness of human
suffering and the ridiculous power struggles which rock our planet,
essentially just
perpetuating the so called ‘cycle of abuse’. but also HUMOUR is a very
important element of
my work.
bret easton ellis, julia davis, michel houellebecq, henry miller, the
coen brothers, quentin
tarantino, stanley kubrick, david lynch, woody allen, moebius, robert
crumb, steve bell,
geoff darrow, milo manara, roy liechtenstein, andy warhol, mark rothko,
piet mondrian, paul
gaugin, jan vermeer, rembrandt, goya, leonardo da vinci, hieronymus
bosch, giotto,
medieval book illustrations, egyptian art, early human cave drawings to
name only a few.