Joseph Metcalf

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In the progressive program at the
Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design Joseph Metcalf honed skills
and explored the world of contemporary art. Under the guidance of
Clark Rickert, the chair of the painting department, Metcalf was
exposed to the avant-garde of fine art and what it meant to explore
the world through a creative process. A Colorado native Metcalf has
been creating this form of art for about 6 years. He has had various
solo shows and has been featured in over 10 group shows in his young
career. Peaceful and thought provoking, he carries us on a journey
into a world where both spiritual possibilities and scientific
explorations become tangible, where we find a unique portrayal of
reality. Approaching his craft with the utmost care and professionalism, Metcalf achieves a precise and deliberate quality
in the art.
My art is an exploration, an
exploration for both myself and for the viewers. Throughout the
process of creating I introduce a great amount of thought and
planning into each piece. Much of the focus is on contemporary
physics theory, ideas about multiple dimensions, the absence of time
and quantum mechanics. I am absolutely fascinated by what leading
scientists are discovering about our world and the correlations with
spirituality that are exposed as they dig deeper. When I plan a
piece I’ll start with a specific theory, formula or geometric form
that relates to what I see as very real life concepts and create an
image or idea from that point. As that painting is conceptualized I
find images that can be used as a symbol for part or all of theory.
In the end visual representations of, at times, very complex
theories emerge. I am not particularly concerned with the viewer
seeing exactly the theory used in the painting, many times what is
scene by other is even more profound than what I thought the
painting was about. It is a beautiful thing to have meanings in your
own art revealed to you by another person.