Mike Miller MFA

Mike Miller is the Assistant Professor of Painting and Drawing and Chair
of the Visual Arts Program at the University of Illinois at Springfield.
Miller has a BFA from Texas Christian University where he majored in Painting and
a MFA from the University of Michigan where he continued work in the areas
of Painting and Drawing. He is an avid proponent of new media in the visual
arts, and has lectured and written on topics including digital print processes, web development as fine art, and hybrid works that combine
traditional practices with new technologies. Miller studied contemporary German visual culture as a Fulbright Scholar in 2004, and recently
an artist¹s residency at the Lower East Side Print Shop in Manhattan. His
work has been featured in numerous recent exhibitions, including:
* ³Digital Environments² at the University of Illinois- Springfield.
* ³Fusion, Form, Function² at Union Street Gallery in Chicago, IL.
* ³New Works, Nine States² at Art Saint Louis in St. Louis, MO.
* ³Digitally Propelled Ideas² at Cal State- Poly University in Pomona,
* ³TechArt² at The South Shore Art Center in Cohasset, MA.
Artist¹s statement regarding the ³Web Architecture Series²
I am interested in the digital and web environment because it transforms
our perception of the spaces we physically inhabit. I am particularly
fascinated by the new architecture because it so clearly shows the ³signature² of
computer-aided design. The prints in this series are an extended
meditation on our continuous redesigning of both the virtual and physical world.